Thank you for choosing Falkorie to be a part of your community, we hope you like it.
By becoming a supporter, you are the reason Falkorie can continue running and receiving updates and new features. And to show our gratitude to you, you will receive rewards that can be seen below.
Leaderboard Badge
Get a badge next to your name on all leaderboards
Restore Streak
If you or your viewers missed one stream and lost their streak you can bring it back
You are the reason the service is still available to everyone - thank you
Discord Role
Receive a Supporter role in the official Falkorie Discord server
Leaderboard Badge
Get a premium badge next to your name on all leaderboards
Custom Badge
Replace your Supporter Badge with a custom badge by uploading your own image
Restore Streak
If you or your viewers missed two streams and lost their streak you can bring it back
Discord Role
Receive a Premium Supporter role in the official Falkorie Discord server